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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Build Google IG like Ajax Start Page in 7 days using ASP.NET Ajax and .NET 3.0

Omar Al Zabir the Co-founder of Pageflakes recently published a great article on CodeProject.com on how to create a Google IG Personal Homepage in 7 days using ASP.Net, Ajax, and .Net 3.0

I should ask everyone to go through his article. He mentioned few of his past experience and few improvement notes from his fellow friends.

An open source start page project running Live on http://www.dropthings.com/

He said -

"You are welcome to participate in the development and make widgets for the project."

He divided this article on 7 days basis and it's really a great article for anyone to start from his own to create as Google IG like website. Enjoy!

URL: http://www.codeproject.com/Ajax/MakingGoogleIG.asp

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